weight loss I am going to stop dieting

Many people who are struggling with their weight feel that there only two weeks left in December, and its the end of the holiday season. So why not just enjoy it, eat all you want, and start fresh on a new diet in early 2016. But here is the problem, you could take a major slide, and gain five, eight, even ten pounds in the next two weeks. There are many celebrations, Christmas for some, New Years for almost everyone, and countless holiday parties; not to mention cookies, fudge, and cake in almost every bank and grocery store. This is exactly NOT the time to walk away from all eating responsibility. It is the time to be sure and check in to your weight loss in Philadelphia program, to make sure you do not take a big slide backwards in your weight. When you are doing well, you need guidance and help to keep moving forward, but when you have slid backwards, or are struggling, that is when you MOST need to come in. We will get you back on program, give you accountability, and help answer questions. I am not going to suggest that you should eat absolutely nothing of all the holiday foods. But you should eat with control, and some structure of how to handle the situations, and this is where we will help and guide you. So please, do not wait until the New Year to come in. Get “ahead of the ball” and if you maintain or even gain a pound or two, you will be starting the New Year from where you are now. . Medical weight loss will help you have gradual weight loss in Philadelphia that is effective You will be so happy, come January 1, that you have not gained weight. If you are planning to start as a new patient, this is a great time to come in. You can get all the information you need, get your blood work done, and then really be ready to go, now or in early January. Either way, dont give up all the hard work you have done. We invite you to come in during the last two weeks of 2015, so we can help you and keep you on track. And have a joyous and wonderful holiday season.


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